sábado, 1 de maio de 2010

Onemanga Censorbar

Na última quarta-feira a onemanga postou um aviso para todos os seus usuários que estaria removendo temporáriamente todas as suas séries com conteúdo maturo, por pressões externas; Os administradores do site prometeram fazer o possível para ter o direito de recolocar as séries online novamente, porém usando do artifício da censura.

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O Aviso:

Mature Series Suspended

posted by zabi - yesterday (last edited 5:17am)
[Update: To clarify, we are not removing all the mature content forever. We are simply removing them until we have time to manually check the content of the series. As series get cleared, we will add them back.]

We are currently doing a sweep of all mature series on the site to look for and remove images that are deemed pornographic.

During this time, all mature series will be unavailable for viewing. We will post an update here once the sweep has been completed. Some series will be coming back. Others will not. Hopefully the final outcome will not be too bad.

We are sorry for the inconvenience during this time, but do understand that in the USA, there is very low tolerance for pornographic content on sites like OneManga that attract a sizable crowd of younger readers. If we do not do a sweep like this, OneManga may be closed forever.

Thanks for your support and understanding.
 Parece que os pais lá da terra do tio san não gostaram muito de ver seus filhos se deliciando em peitinhos 2D e recorreram judicialmente para a retirada do material. A solução agora é voltar ao velho download de mangás, ou aturar a censura.

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